A very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption.
[Japanese : tsu, port + nami, wave.]
With the recent Aceh Tsunami and the Gulf Coast's Hurricane Katrina, I've decided to post something more "current events"-like. And yes, deadhonest.blogspot.com is capable of that.

Cumbre Vieja Volcano,
on La Palma Island.
La Palma is most volcanically active of the Canary Islands in past 500 years, the last being in 1971. The previous eruption in 1949, caused the western half of the volcano ridge to slip a few meters down into the sea, leaving a 2km-long fracture (see picture below).

The next time the volcano erupts, it is very likely to cause a huge chunk of rock (approximately weighing 500 billion tons!) into the sea, a dome of water 900 meters & tens of miles wide would form, only to collapse and rebound.
Then as it slides deeper in to the sea, a mega-tsunami will develop. Within 10 minutes, the mega-tsunami would have moved a distance of almost 250 km.

The mega-tsunami will totally polish off the Western Sahara coast, Florida & the Carribean will have to brace themselves for waves as high as 50 meters, 8 or 9 hours after the landslide. New York, Boston, Washington DC, Miami and Virginia will be damaged badly too, with 10-25 meters high waves. The waves would hit the coasts of England, Spain, Portugal and France too, in smaller but substantial waves.
And of course, did I mention all this would amount to trillions of dollars in damage repairs. And imagine how many people will perish, suffer and lose hope because of this.
Wow. Talk about our ignorance.