a Spring Azure butterfly
Moths however, often get the bad name...most probably from 'mothballs'. But anyhow, the common "eyes" found on moths aren't as fascinating as the feathery snow white found on Spring Azures.

a polyphemus moth
Then again, there are moths which do not have "eyes" their wings. So the question would then be, how do you tell the difference between a moth and a butterfly?

Which is which?

Well one way to tell the difference between a moth and a butterfly is by looking at how it rests. A moth will always rest with its wings open while a butterfly always keeps its wings at a vertical position during its resting position.
So the next time you see a 'butterfly' resting with its wings open, you can be sure it's a moth! =)
PS. It is not true that moths are uglier than butterflies. Moths have awesome colours, as it is with this sunset moth (Urania riphaeus).